Compensation for fatal accident damages

Compensation for fatal accident damages

Il Tribunale di Roma con Sentenza n. 1394/2023 pubbl. il 27/01/2023 ha statuito il diritto al risarcimento da parte del nipote ex sorere, maggiorenne, extracomunitario per il decesso dello zio in incidente stradale catastrofale in presenza di solide prove sul rapporto...

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The Court of Appeal of Florence with sentence no. 238 of 2023 established that the driver of the truck on which the contraband material was transported, a mere executor of company orders, is not punishable in the absence of proof regarding his awareness of the...

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The crime of reduction or maintenance in slavery or servitude

The crime of reduction or maintenance in slavery or servitude

The High (Cassation)  Criminal Court  has interpreted Article 630 of the Criminal Code (with sentence n. 37638/2014), stating that the said offense takes the form of those activities to which the offended person is forced through violence, threat, deception, abuse of...

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Extradition and prison overcrowding

Extradition and prison overcrowding

No to extradition if the situation in prisons in the requesting country is contrary to the international standards established in the Torreggiani and others v. Italy sentence rendered by the European Court of Human Rights on 8 January 2013. For the High Criminal Court...

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